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Friday, December 23, 2011

Benchmark Prosesor Intel Ivy Bridge

According to source of this news, test result which they obtain is result of internal examination of Intel x'self alloted to partner Intel ( generally producer motherboard bases on chipset Intel). So, this is not result of examination of independent laboratory. Still, if documents received by source is correctness, usually result of examination of independent laboratory will not be far different.

Core i7-3770 vs Core i7-2600

Result which protactinium in virtual world is comparison between Core i7-3770 ( ivy bridge) with Core i7-2600 ( sandy bridge). Both having specification of similar: 4 core with HyperThread, 34 GHZ, cache 8MB. If promise Intel is fulfilled, the new processor ought to can be applied in old motherboard with socket LGA1155.

Based on the documents, Core pre-eminent i7-3770 to Core i7-2600 with difference of performa equal:

+   7% for overall SYSmark 2012 scores.

+   14% for overall HDXPRT 2011 scores.

+   15% for Cinebench 115 scores.

+   13% for test result ProShow Gold 45.

+   quicker 25% with Excel 2010.

+   quicker 56% with ArcSoft Media Expresso.

+   192% for overall 3DMark Vantage score.

+   17% for 3DMark Vantage CPU benchmark.

+   199% for 3DMark Vantage GPU benchmark.

From result of this, we menyimpulan can that performa standard CPU>Central Processing Unit Ivy Bridge shifts faster 7%-17% compared to Sandy Bridge. Whereas performa VGA integrated Sandy Bridge to shift 199% ( 3X) faster compared to Sandy Bridge.

The documents also lays open that AVX at Ivy bridge of course have been improved its(the ability. Whereas VGA IVY bridge ( Intel HD4000) has applied technology DirectX 11 and OpenCL. Ivy bridge built with process 22 nm is its(the plan will have PCIe 30 x16 and PCIe 20 x4.

This mean…

With performa VGA is increasing is finite can be reach 3X fold, this means VGA Sandy Bridge has come near ( or even comes up to) performa VGA AMD Llano which is available now. Remembers architecture Intel doesn't experience problem with bandwidth memory to VGA, this thing can make it competes stringency with VGA integrated AMD which its(the performa still hinging once to setting memory and motherboard.

Performa processor increasing in the range of 20% to make Ivy bridge again offers jumping movement of performance signifikan compared to its(the predecessor. So, if you have target to buy a PC in the beginning of the year 2012, thought of again matured. Because, PC would swiftly lag its(the technology.

If Intel apply the same strategy with Sandy Bridge, there is possibility that performa VGA is coming up in this documents is equal to performa VGA in notebook bases on Ivy bridge. This means requirement of VGA would be additional in notebook will decrease drastically. Remembers only, VGA SANDY BRIDGE has played Star Carft II, even in low setting. With improvement of this performa, ought to more and more game 3D which able to be played with VGA “ onboard” Intel.

Again we remind, assumption we are constituted [by] score which disinyalir is leak from documents made by by Intel. How far truth and its(the accuracy, still be burden of proof when its(the reality product is launched later.


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